Slay The Dragon (2019)

Welcome back, visitors. It’s been a rough year, hasn’t it? I saw this film via the Arthouse Film Festival at the start of the Spring session. It is unfortunate, but they closed down the next week.

Runtime: 1 Hour 41 Minutes

Capsule Review, Minimal Spoilers:

Slay The Dragon is a documentary film about gerrymandering in the USA. What’s gerrymandering? Feel free to Google it, but in a nutshell, it is this – Every state has voting districts, that make up equal numbers of voters. Every 10 years, at census time, the results change those numbers, so its up to the politicians to “rebalance” the voting districts. Seems well and good, however, it is the currently elected politicians who are in charge of it, and while they’re supposed to be fair, they have their own political biases, and work towards making all their districts be favorable to their own political parties.

This film follows efforts by several people/groups to make the process more unbiased, which is nigh-impossible. I found it a fascinating topic, and this film covers it well. I do recommend this film.