Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Capsule Review (minimal spoilers):

Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of most of the Marvel Comic Universe (MCU)’s collection of superhero films. There are dozens of heroes in the film.

The villain, Thanos (Josh Brolin) is on a quest. He wants to take ownership of the Infinity Stones. According to the Marvel Wikia site, each of the stones possess unique capabilities that have been enhanced and altered by various alien civilizations for millennia.

These stones were separated, and have been spread out across the galaxy. When they are collected, they give their owner godlike powers. You’ve seen several of these stones in previous Marvel movies, most notably in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Thanos is well on his way towards getting the full set, but the Avengers and others stand in their way.

This is an intense movie, and many things happen, both good and bad. To describe them would be to spoil them, so I will not do a more comprehensive review.

It suffices to say that they handle most of the superheroes well, and give each of the main ones enough screen time to satisfy most people. There are some bad special effects in the latter part of the film, but I suspect this is due to last minute changes, where they didn’t have enough time to properly integrate the CGI work to everyone’s satisfaction. They aren’t too noticeable, but they’re apparent if you look for them.

I definitely recommend the film.

Catch a trailer for the film here (as if you haven’t seen it far too many times already).



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